How to prepare yourself for AWS Solution Architect Associate exam


If you are planing to take AWS Solution architect exam associate level, that’s great! It’s a very very good way to check your knowledge and also get deeper in the Cloud, have a better job and prove yourself as a know-how worker in the field.


Whether you are a beginner or have years of experience working on AWS Cloud, checking your knowledge before taking the real test is crucial.

First, assure that you have some hand-on experience with AWS services. Because there are lots of services offered by AWS (more than 40 services so far), having your hand dirty by playing around with them is a must.

Second, read and read a lot. It’s wonderful that Amazon has a comprehensive documentation in which we can find almost anything about its services. I recommend that you read as many FAQs as possible. They give you concise concept in an appropriate order.

Last, ask yourself following items, and be sure that you know what they mean.

  1. VPC subnet, security group access list
  2. EC2 spot instance, metadata
  3. S3: read-after-write consistency, eventually consistency
  4. RDS
  5. Direct connect
  6. Import/Export
  7. Chef
  8. Simple work flow, CloudFormation, OpsWorks,
  9. storage for durability and low latency
  10. how auto scaling terminate instance
  11. EBS root volume on stop
  12. why use SQS
  13. what is a subnet
  14. why can’t an EC2 instance connect to internet
  15. Why can’t SSH to EC2 instance
  16. how many subnets to deploy
  17. how to maintain equally traffic among AZs
  18. placement group
  19. EC2 EBS-backed vs instance-store-backed
  20. how to change instance type in an auto-scaling group
  21. how to use IAM role for EC2 instance after it has been deployed
  22. how to use third-party software having access to S3

If you have any difficulty in recognize them, just go to Amazon documentation and find your answer.


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